2019 Hoahoa Hou Hydroxyethyl Cellulosehec Natrosol 250 Hbr Hhbr Hhr HEC

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Hydroxyethyl Cellulose(HEC) Kaihanga

Ingoa Hua: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose
Nga kupu taurite: Cellulose ether,HEC;2-hydroxyethylcelluloseether;HMHEC;Hydroxyethyl cellulose ether
CAS: 9004-62-0
EINECS: 618-387-5
Te ahua:: Paura Ma
Raw Material: Miro parakore
Waitohu: QualiCell
Taketake: Haina
MOQ: 1 tana

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua

He pai ki a matou te ingoa pai i waenga i o taatau kaihoko mo o maatau hua tino pai, utu whakataetae me te ratonga pai rawa atu mo te 2019 Hoahoa Hou Hydroxyethyl Cellulosehec Natrosol 250 Hbr Hhbr Hhr HEC, Ma matou to moni i roto i te tiaki i to umanga umanga i roto i te haumaru. Ko te tumanako ka taea e matou te kaihoko pono ki Haina. Kei te rapu whakamua mo to mahi tahi.
He pai ki a matou te ingoa tino pai i waenga i o taatau kaihoko mo o taatau kounga hua pai, utu whakataetae me te ratonga pai rawa atuHaina HEC Natrosol 250 Hbr Hhbr Hhr me Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, Ka taea e koe te whakaatu mai i to whakaaro ki te whakawhanake i te hoahoa ahurei mo taau ake tauira hei aukati i te nui o nga waahanga rite i te maakete! Ka whakaratohia e matou to maatau ratonga pai ki te whakatutuki i o hiahia katoa! Me whakapā tonu mai koe ki a matou!

Whakaahuatanga Hua

NAMA CAS:9004-62-0

Ko etahi atu ingoa: Cellulose ether, hydroxyethyl ether; Hydroxyethylcellulose; 2-Hydroxyethyl cellulose; Hyetellose;

Ko te Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) he ma, he kowhai marama ranei, he hongi, he kirikiri, he paura totoka kore-paitini, i mahia ma te whakaeera o te cellulose kawakore me te ethylene oxide (te chloroethanol ranei). Ko nga etera cellulose wairewa-kore. Na te mea he pai nga ahuatanga o te HEC mo te matotoru, te aukati, te whakamarara, te whakaemulsifying, te honohono, te kiriata, te whakamarumaru i te makuku me te whakarato colloid tiaki, kua whakamahia nuitia i roto i te torotoro hinu, te paninga, te hanga, te rongoa me nga kakano, te hanga pepa, me te macromolecules. Polymerization me etahi atu mara. 40 reiti tatari mata ≥99%;

Ko te Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, ka whakamahia hei whakamaroke, he kopae aukati, he kaihoko tiaki wai noa me te whakarereketanga rheology i roto i nga momo rorohiko rereke penei i te peita wai-wai, nga waahanga hangahanga, te hinu matū matū me nga hua tiaki motuhake. , te hanga kiriata, te whakamarumaru wai me te whakarato i nga taonga colloid tiaki.

Whakatakotoranga Matū

Te ahua Maama ki te paura ma
Te rahi o te matūriki 98% paahi 100 mata
Molar whakakapi i runga tohu (MS) 1.8~2.5
Te toenga i te mura (%) ≤0.5
uara pH 5.0~8.0
makuku (%) ≤5.0

Koeke Hua

Koeke HEC Poneke(NDJ, mPa.s, 2%) Poneke(Brookfield, mPa.s, 1%) Tikiake Raraunga
HEC HR300 240-360 240-360 Pāwhiri ki konei
HEC HR6000 4800-7200 Pāwhiri ki konei
HEC HR30000 24000-36000 1500-2500 Pāwhiri ki konei
HEC HR60000 48000-72000 2400-3600 Pāwhiri ki konei
HEC HR100000 80000-120000 4000-6000 Pāwhiri ki konei
HEC HR200000 160000-240000 8000-10000 Pāwhiri ki konei

Nga Ahuatanga Mahinga

1). He wairewa te HEC i roto i te wai wera, i te wai matao ranei, e kore e heke i te wera nui, i te koropupuke ranei, na te mea he maha nga ahuatanga o te wairewa me nga ahuatanga pokey, me te waiariki kore;
2). Karekau he katote ka taea te noho tahi me te maha atu o nga momo polymers wairewa-wairewa, surfactants, me nga tai. Ko te mea tino pai rawa atu te whakamataketo colloidal kei roto nga otinga dielectric kukū teitei;
3). Ko te kaha o te pupuri i te wai e rua te teitei ake i tera o te methyl cellulose, a he pai ake te whakahaere o te rere;
4). Ka whakatauritea ki te methyl cellulose me te hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, ko te kaha marara o HEC te mea kino rawa atu, engari ko te kaha o te colloid tiaki te kaha rawa atu.

Nga tono Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC).

Mara tono
Ka whakamahia hei whakapiri, hei kaihoko kaha o te mata, te kaihoko tiaki colloidal, te dispersant, te emulsifier me te dispersion stabilizer, me etahi atu He maha nga waahanga o nga tono i roto i nga waahanga o te paninga, te waituhi, te muka, te tae, te hanga pepa, te whakapaipai, te pesticides, te tukatuka kohuke, te hinu. tangohanga me te rongoa.
1. I te nuinga o te wa e whakamahia ana hei whakakoi, hei whakamarumaru, hei whakapiri, hei whakapumau me nga taapiri mo te whakarite i nga whakaehunga, nga reera, nga hinu, nga hinu, nga kai horoi kanohi, nga suppositories me nga papa, a ka whakamahia ano hoki hei peera hydrophilic me nga anga. nga whakaritenga tuku toimau, ka taea hoki te whakamahi hei whakapumau i roto i nga kai.
2. Ka whakamahia te HEC hei kaihoko rahi i roto i te ahumahi pueru, te honohono, te matotoru, te emulsifying, te whakapumau me etahi atu taapiri i roto i te hikohiko me te ahumahi marama.
Ko te 3.HEC ka whakamahia hei whakamaroke me te whakaheke i te whakaheke wai mo nga wai keri wai me nga wai whakaoti. Ka kitea te kaha o te whakapakeke i roto i nga wai keri tote. Ka taea hoki te whakamahi hei kaihoko whakahaere mate wai mo te sima puna hinu. Ka taea te hono-whakawhiti ki nga katote whakarewa maha hei hanga i te reera.
Ko te hua 4.HEC e whakamahia ana mo te pakaru i te wai-a-wai-a-wai e pakaru ana i te wai pakaru, te polystyrene me te polyvinyl chloride me etahi atu dispersants polymeric. Ka taea hoki te whakamahi hei kaitao taherapa i roto i te ahumahi peita, he parenga haumākū-tairongo i roto i te ahumahi hiko, he anticoagulant ciment me te makuku pupuri makuku i roto i te ahumahi hanga. He kirikiri ahumahi uku me te whakapiri toothpaste. Kei te whakamahia nuitia ki te ta me te tae, te kakano, te hanga pepa, te rongoa, te akuaku, te kai, te hikareti, te pesticides me te patu ahi.
Ka whakamahia te 5.HEC hei kaihoko kaha o te mata, te kaihoko tiaki colloidal, te whakaehunga mo te vinyl chloride, te vinyl acetate me etahi atu emulsions, tae atu ki te taherapa thickener, dispersant, dispersion stabilizer, me etahi atu. te hanga pepa, te whakapaipai, te rongoa, te pesticides, aha atu. He maha ano nga whakamahinga mo te torotoro hinu me te umanga miihini.
6. Ko te Hydroxyethyl cellulose he mahi mata, he matotoru, he whakatarewa, he piri, he whakaehunga, he hanga kiriata, he marara, he pupuri wai me te whakamarumaru i roto i nga whakaritenga rongoa totoka me te wai.
7. Ka whakamahia te HEC hei whakamararatanga polymer mo te whakamahi i te wai-a-wai-a-wai-a-te-wai-a-waa whawhati wai, polyvinyl chloride me te polystyrene. Ka taea hoki te whakamahi hei kaitao tawhetawhe i roto i te ahumahi peita, he kaipara ciment me te makuku pupuri makuku i roto i te umanga hangahanga, he kaikoi me te whakapiri toothpaste i roto i te umanga uku. Ka whakamahia hoki i roto i nga waahi ahumahi penei i te ta me te tae, te kakano, te hanga pepa, te rongoa, te akuaku, te kai, te hikareti me te pesticides.

Te takai

Peeke pepa 25kg o roto me nga peeke PE.
20'FCL te uta 12ton me te pallet
40'FCL te uta 24ton me te pallet

He pai ki a matou te ingoa pai i waenga i o taatau kaihoko mo o maatau hua tino pai, utu whakataetae me te ratonga pai rawa atu mo te 2019 Hoahoa Hou Hydroxyethyl Cellulosehec Natrosol 250 Hbr Hhbr Hhr HEC, Ma matou to moni i roto i te tiaki i to umanga umanga i roto i te haumaru. Ko te tumanako ka taea e matou te kaihoko pono ki Haina. Kei te rapu whakamua mo to mahi tahi.
2019 Hoahoa HouHaina HEC Natrosol 250 Hbr Hhbr Hhr me Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, Ka taea e koe te whakaatu mai i to whakaaro ki te whakawhanake i te hoahoa ahurei mo taau ake tauira hei aukati i te nui o nga waahanga rite i te maakete! Ka whakaratohia e matou to maatau ratonga pai ki te whakatutuki i o hiahia katoa! Me whakapā tonu mai koe ki a matou!

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